It seems to be the same 10 top resolutions every year. Why? I guess that it is because they are just so hard to keep!
1. Get Out of Debt
This is a must for us to achieve financial freedom and to able us to retire earlier.

and make sure to stick to the plan. This require a great amount of will power. You can do it! Believe in yourself.
2. Lose Weight and Get in Shape
This is one of the most famous resolution that we makes year after year! People just can't seem to get into shape. This also require lots of will power, so tell yourself that you can do it! If you believe in yourself you can get yourself in shape. For some people this will involve losing a lot of weight while for others is might just be getting into shape for good health. Sign up for a gym with friends or family members to ensure social support.
3. Enjoy Life More
Take a Vacation
Not many people go on vacations, either from the lack of funds or the lack of time.
But time is precious and you need to enjoy your life each and every day. So go on your vacation.
Vacation is a time to escape from the daily routine of life to relax and spend time with loved ones.
4. Get Organized or Reorganize Life
a) Get a raise or promotion at work :
Have you been in a working slump for the last couple years.
It's about time that you show your boss your worth and that you deserve to be rewarded for the hard work that you put in at work.
Set high goals and work and follow through on them.
Be a leader and a problem solver.
Your boss will notice your improved dedication and hard work and will reward you for them with a raise or promotion.
b) Find a New Job
For all of those who are unhappy in your work, maybe this is the year that you start looking for a new job.
Don't suffer anymore day after day with a job that you hate.
If you have the resources and good resume then don't be afraid to start looking for other options.
5. Learn Something New
Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new? Take some risks this year
doing things or hobby that you'd like to take up years ago such as learn how to play piano, learn other languages, take up yoga classes, painting, cooking classes or just how to fix your computer? Whether you take a course or read a book, you’ll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year’s resolutions to keep. Challenge your mind in the coming year, and your horizons will expand. Whatever it is, try something new that challenges your mind.
6. Be a better person
7. Quit Smoking

8. Quit Drinking
9. Spend more time with family
You should have to think of quality time, and how you should spend it with your family.
Family is the most important thing in a person's life, but some people don't seem to realize this.
If you're one of these people that spends more time at work and on business calls then talking with your spouse,
son or daughter then you should seriously consider this New Year's resolutions. Time is too precious to let slip away.
10. Help Others and Be More Charitable
Helping others is a fantastic way to help yourself. This can be an rewarding endeavor.
How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
10 Tips for Keeping New Year's Resolutions