January 26, 2009, (or the year 4707 in the Chinese calendar), begins the "Year of the Earth Ox".
As in Chinese horoscope, year 2009 will be the year of the Ox.
Ox is fortunate to have the character of being stable and persevering.
It is believe that being born in the year of Ox, the person would be a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task or an objective as Ox sign symbolizes prosperity though fortitude and hard work without complaints at work or at home. They know that they will succeed through hard work and sustained efforts, and do not believe in get-rich-quick schemes.
The strong character in them are person with diligence, reliability, sincerity, strength and sound judgement. But, don't expect these lumbering souls to have a sparkling sense of humor or be style conscious...it's not part of their precious package!
As for what will the year be or bring for us all, well, according to Lilian Too, the year 2009 promises peace and harmony and an auspicious wave of success, prosperity and growth luck that is certain to please almost everyone. This is because all animal signs benefit from several positive indications that will bring a genuinely good year filled with good news and great expectations. This is going to be a year of double earth - when steady, hard working Ox rules, bringing increased effectiveness and better productivity of efforts all round. despite it being a double earth year, there are no excuse to cause trouble and in fact, it is going to be a well balance year.
The twelve months from February 4th 2009 to February 4th 2010 will support people in leadership positions. Those who have recently risen to high office or were promoted last year, whether in Government or in Commerce, will feel the benefits of 2009's high energy chi. Such people will enjoy the friendly buoyancy of benevolent winds and waters that translate into positive flow of auspicious heaven luck. They benefit from a special vitality that aids their judgments and their decision making processes so the risk of making mistakes is considerably reduced in 2009. Luck rises at first in small doses but as the revitalizing effects are felt and the year progresses, good fortune outcomes bring smiles to faces.

Well, below are the prediction for Chinese horoscope animal sign of Boar, my own chinese horoscope that I've found and wish to share. To those that do not belong to the same Chinese horoscope with me or Dog (which can be found on this page), well, here's the link :
Chinese Animal Predictions for 2009.
Year of the Yin Earth Ox (Ji Chou)
Michael Hanna - Feng Shui Shop - 2009 prediction
I am sure you have come across some websites or books predicting 2009 to be bad for the Pig but I do not think it will be that bad at all. There will be some things you need to be aware off but providing you follow this advice and also our annual flying star advice the year should be okay. You must be very careful signing contracts and make sure you get them double and triple checked and then check them all over again. With regards to wealth, business and career, 2009 can be a year of seeds you planted over the last few years which will now blossom, so please make the most of this year; this is particularly true for Pigs born in 1971.
Your busy lifestyle can cause stomach problems this year so please be careful, I would place a brass Wu Lou beside your bed especially if it is located in the north or west.
For the Pig in business and career this year will be much better than last although you should not boast too much with colleagues or competitors as there are a few people out there that may want to back stab you and tell many lies to make you look bad, make sure you wear your protection animal for the year and more importantly remember my advice as being prepared is good. In business you may also be offered a partnership and you should look at this as being positive, ensure you spend time looking over any small print on contracts.
The secret for all Pigs this year is money will come in but you have to make sure you keep hold of it. For females it can be an emotional year and possibilities of sadness may creep over stronger than usual, you should keep some hematite beads close to you to help overcome this. You may find the year brings a few challenges but you will overcome them and the problems you had in 2008 will be resolved even though new problems may take their place, you will look at the year in November 2009 and say “it really wasn’t that bad”. PS Do not forget to say “thank you” they are two small words but have such a big impact on people’s lives.
You are in affinity with the Tiger. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Tiger.
To enhance wealth and career in 2009 place four pieces of deep smoky quartz crystal, a piece of deep blue sodalite crystal together with four very auspicious i-ching coins in the south, this cure is extremely important in 2009 and can only be used in certain years, you also must place eight pieces of Jasper Hematite quartz crystal (you should not use normal hematite) along with two larger than average auspicious Chinese i-ching coins in the northeast, the coins must be placed in a certain order and if you follow this link you will find full details 2009 flying star analysis follow this link.
Cautions for month: Take extra care in the months of July, August and December and make sure you check back with us monthly to get your updates for the month.
Your lucky sector:
(astrological zone) is the Northwest (322.5º – 337.5º) of the home or office. Although the northwest is your astrological zone, this may not be the best direction for you to face when seated at work or doing anything important. To find your personal favourable or unfavourable directions, you have to look at your personal Gua number based on the year you were born.
Try to face one of your personal favourable directions when you are doing something important or when seated at your work desk. To find your personal favourable or unfavourable directions, you have to look at your personal Gua number based on the year you were born.
Be careful if your main door, bedroom or office or any other important room is located in the north, west or northeast this year 2009 and make sure you follow the 2009 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in the west, northeast, east or north please be aware that in the months of April & July 2009 you should make sure you at least place a Wu Lou or six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for the month especially if you are not in good health or very stressed. To further enhance 2009 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only gives you advice of good and bad days to carry out certain tasks it also advises you if it is good for your animal sign.
If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2009 a better year indeed.
East is the location and direction of the Three Killings
When at work, you may sit facing the east direction if this is one of your personal good directions, but do not sit with your back to the east or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. Because the east has the #7 red robbery star combined with the three killings this makes the east very negative in 2009 and it needs a very powerful cure to prevent legal issues and loss of wealth. An extremely powerful cure in 2009 and can only be used in certain years is by placing a water coloured (blue) Buddha holding a Ru Yi and wealth ingot, this powerful cure is very effective at protecting wealth as financial losses can be made through legal problems and because wealth is very important in 2009 you need specific cures relevant to the potential problem. You can only use this particular cure in the east in 2009 because the Buddha (Fo Hu Shen Fu), ru yi and wealth ingot are transient cures and if placed correctly not only can it cure the negative effects of the east in 2009 it can also enhance a very inauspicious area making it an extremely powerful cure and enhancer. The Fo Hu Shen Fu cure and enhancer comes standard in our 2009 cures kit with full instructions for placement.
Northeast is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2009
The NE is severely afflicted in 2009 as we have Tai Sui here for the year but it is also combined with the malicious #3 star that can cause many legal and wealth problems and cures are needed here with a Lou Pan compass and the annual 2009 Master cure which is a cure only known to a few Masters using two large Dragon coins with eight pieces of Jasper Hematite quartz crystals arranged in a very special way. With Tai Sui, you may rely on him for support in that you may sit with him in the northeast and face the southwest. Do not confront him by undertaking any renovation or construction work in the northeast or by sitting in a position that is directly opposite him (northeast). In 2009, this means do not sit with your back to the southwest facing northeast even if this is your best direction. Most traditional Chinese families will place a Pi Yao in the southwest of the home facing northeast or if your main door is in the northeast, place it just inside the door facing northeast.
Sui Po (The year breaker)
Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2009 is southwest. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no groundbreaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in an Ox year you need to display gold coloured ingots and six of them if possible, we have included the perfect one in our 2009 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the southwest place a six hollow metal rod wind chime (if you are using the 2009 cures kit you do not have to think about it) between the building and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.
To disperse the effects of the year you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon and place it in the west of your home or office this year to control the #2 star, you should also place a six rod metal wind chime in the north along with a set of six Chinese coins tied together with ribbon in your home this year to weaken the #5. Both of these compass sectors should also have a salt water cure as in 2009 there will quite a bit of negative energy. For full details on 2009 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2009 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the west, north or northeast.
2009 overall it will be a good year with a few ups and downs, play your cards right and follow all the advice
here along with the annual stars, the year 2009 should be good for wealth, career and general luck. Those Dogs born in 1934 and 1982 need to be careful in relationships especially if they are married, spend more time this year with your partner as your potential success for the year can cause you to overlook people that are important and this will cause you problems. Unmarried Dogs born in other years can expect new relationships and even rekindle existing ones. Your year will be busy but leave some time for play and make sure you take plenty of rest. Those Dogs born in 1958 (me) and 1970 will have a fantastic year and you can expect amazing opportunities in wealth and business. If you were born 1958 (me again) you must take time out to relax and watch what you eat. Your busy lifestyle can cause you stomach problems this year so please be careful, I would place a brass Wu Lou beside your bed especially if it is located in the north or west. You should be careful signing contracts this year so make sure you read all the small print and do not let yourself be conned by someone sweet or fast talking.
With regards to wealth, business and career, 2009 can be a year of seeds you planted over the last few years which will now blossom, so please make the most of this year as the wind is behind you; this is particularly true for Dogs born in 1958. Do not think though that all this means you can just sit back and let the good times happen, hard work is still needed by you. Young Dogs born in 1994 will do well this year but they should ideally carry an image of a Rabbit for protection, as should all Dogs in 2009. This is a great year to reflect on your life and be honest with yourself, our true character is what we do when we think no one is looking, be true to yourself and help as many people as you can in 2009, you will get real rewards from this, read my words again, this could change your life and expect good changes in 2009, reputation is what the world thinks a person is; character is what they really are. Enjoy your year, it will be great.
You are in affinity with the Rabbit. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Rabbit.
To enhance wealth and career in 2009 place four pieces of deep smoky quartz crystal, a piece of deep blue sodalite crystal together with four very auspicious i-ching coins in the south, this cure is extremely important in 2009 and can only be used in certain years, you also must place eight pieces of Jasper Hematite quartz crystal (you should not use normal hematite) along with two larger than average auspicious Chinese i-ching coins in the northeast, the coins must be placed in a certain order and if you follow this link you will find full details 2009 flying star analysis follow this link.
Cautions for month: Take extra care in the months of February and November and make sure you check back with us monthly to get your updates for the month.
Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Northwest (292.5º – 307.5º) of the home or office.
If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.
Be careful if your main door, bedroom or office or any other important room is located in the north, west or northeast this year 2009 and make sure you follow the 2009 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in the west, northeast, east or north please be aware that in the months of April & July 2009 you should make sure you at least place a Wu Lou or six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for the month especially if you are not in good health or very stressed. To further enhance 2009 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only gives you advice of good and bad days to carry out certain tasks it also advises you if it is good for your animal sign.
If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2009 a better year indeed.
East is the location and direction of the Three Killings
When at work, you may sit facing the east direction if this is one of your personal good directions, but do not sit with your back to the east or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. Because the east has the #7 red robbery star combined with the three killings this makes the east very negative in 2009 and it needs a very powerful cure to prevent legal issues and loss of wealth. An extremely powerful cure in 2009 and can only be used in certain years is by placing a water coloured (blue) Buddha holding a Ru Yi and wealth ingot, this powerful cure is very effective at protecting wealth as financial losses can be made through legal problems and because wealth is very important in 2009 you need specific cures relevant to the potential problem. You can only use this particular cure in the east in 2009 because the Buddha (Fo Hu Shen Fu), ru yi and wealth ingot are transient cures and if placed correctly not only can it cure the negative effects of the east in 2009 it can also enhance a very inauspicious area making it an extremely powerful cure and enhancer. The Fo Hu Shen Fu cure and enhancer comes standard in our 2009 cures kit with full instructions for placement.
Northeast is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2009
The NE is severely afflicted in 2009 as we have Tai Sui here for the year but it is also combined with the malicious #3 star that can cause many legal and wealth problems and cures are needed here with a Lou Pan compass and the annual 2009 Master cure which is a cure only known to a few Masters using two large Dragon coins with eight pieces of Jasper Hematite quartz crystals arranged in a very special way. With Tai Sui, you may rely on him for support in that you may sit with him in the northeast and face the southwest. Do not confront him by undertaking any renovation or construction work in the northeast or by sitting in a position that is directly opposite him (northeast). In 2009, this means do not sit with your back to the southwest facing northeast even if this is your best direction. Most traditional Chinese families will place a Pi Yao in the southwest of the home facing northeast or if your main door is in the northeast, place it just inside the door facing northeast.
Sui Po (The year breaker)
Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2009 is southwest. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no groundbreaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in an Ox year you need to display gold coloured ingots and six of them if possible, we have included the perfect one in our 2009 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the southwest place a six hollow metal rod wind chime (if you are using the 2009 cures kit you do not have to think about it) between the building and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.
To disperse the effects of the year you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon and place it in the west of your home or office this year to control the #2 star, you should also place a six rod metal wind chime in the north along with a set of six Chinese coins tied together with ribbon in your home this year to weaken the #5. Both of these compass sectors should also have a salt water cure as in 2009 there will quite a bit of negative energy. For full details on 2009 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2009 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the west, north or northeast.